With the WHO declaring COVID-19 a pandemic this week, people worldwide are considering how to stay well.ย  At the Turnip Truck, we are doing everything in our power to keep our shelves stocked and our employees and customers safe.ย  We have ramped up our daily sanitation practices, wiping down store surfaces at regular intervals throughout the day.ย  We are providing hand sanitizer by our front doors and at stations throughout our stores.ย  Our employees continue to adhere to stringent hand-washing with hot water and soap, as we know that is key to deterring the spread.

We encourage our customers to prepare — not panic.ย  Our recommendations:

– Adhere to theย 20-second handwashingย rules — and take it aย step further by cleaning mobile devices, keys and other surfaces as often as possible.

– Make sure you have an adequate supply of essential pantry items. This includes necessary supplements and medications, fluids, non-perishable foods and household products.

– Consider your neighbors.ย  While most people will recover from COVID-19, stopping its spread will save lives of those at highest risk.

Take care of yourself, friends — and let’s try to stay as calm as possible.ย  Stress wreaks havoc on immunity.ย  Do whatever you can to destress, in healthy ways.

Clean stores. Washed hands. Open hearts.

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